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LAST UPDATED: January 5th, 2015


Combat Systems Accepted: (Meters)




Approved Combat Methods:


FFC, Dice, Meter


By visiting Onderon, you agree to abide by the rules set forth here.  All Terms of Service as set forth by Linden Labs apply here, any violations will result in a warning or a ban. The rules can change at any time, when they do, it will be notified to the group. It is up to the players to be informed.















For a high level of immersion and atmosphere, please set your sun to region default (if you have never changed this then it is set to default already).   Furthermore it is also recommended you use a mesh enabled viewer for maximum detail.


If you use a windlight supporting viewer, you will be offered on arrival to Onderon the option of using the recommended enhanced Windlight settings that the creators feel best reflect their view of what Onderon should look like.   You are of course free to use whatever setting you wish however, this is only a recommendation!


Your distance settings in your graphics preferences should be set to around 280 meters if you can manage it, so the full view of the mountains is seen.
Please also switch on your volume enough to hear properly (especially in the Cantina)  as there are many sound effects used here.  We do have a nice Star Wars score music set to listen to if you wish, please press the music note button at the top right hand corner of your screen if you wish to listen to our stream.



OOC Observers


If you do not wish to role-play but be an Out-of-Character (OOC) Observer, please wear an observer tag and you are welcome to observe, but please do not disrupt the flow of any RP that is occurring and keep OOC chat to IM.  Observer tags can be found on the space station of the sim in the form of a simple observer tag or in the free lismore titlers offered by selecting "OOC" on the HUD enclosed.


Please note that wearing the OOC Observer tag and scouting out the sim at the same time for RP purposes is metagaming and is not allowed!  Also in places of privacy, observing is not allowed.  (This include's other people's apartment, bedrooms, etc)


Restricted Areas


Some parts of Onderon are not meant for the eyes of just anyone.  The planet is a friendly planet to most, however there are some restricted areas citizens should refrain from entering for risk of hostile engagement from Onderon's Troops.  These areas may be clearly marked, or you may have to rely on common sense...such as entering the palace areas other than the main hall without permission.   Some areas are restricted and warnings given ICly also. 






A. Setting
B. Quick Rules FAQ
C. Staff List
D. Full Roleplaying Regulations
- 1. In-character / Out-of-character
- 2. Observers

-3. Alts/Multiple Character RP
- 4. Attire / Equipment
- 5. Metagaming
- 6. Entry, Safezones and Escape
- 7. Metered combat
- 8. Combat equipment
- 9. Defeat
- 10. Force Powers
- 11. Freeform Combat (FFC)
- 12. Child avatars
- 13. Character races

- 14. Citizenship/Newcomers
E. General Sim rules
- 1. Griefing
- 2. Spamming
- 3. Soliciting
- 4. Sexual Harrassment
- 5. Sexual Ageplay
- 6. Privacy

- 7. Drama



A. << SETTING >>


250 ABY


Onderon is a jungle planet with environmental controls set only over the city of Iziz.  These environmental controls keep the city less humid than the rest of the planet, making it comfortable for citizens and visitors.  Recently the planet was hit with a massive virus that forced evacuation.  Upon returning, those who were still infected were pushed into the undercity along with the rubble of the buildings they had destroyed in their rioting.  The undercity is a gas mask or rebreather required area for anyone not in environmentally sealed armor, or for those unable to use the Force to keep viruses out of their body.  All those returning to the surface must go through decontamination proceedures before they are allowed up.  No exceptions.



All visitors to Onderon are required to first land on the space station "Dauntless" and go through a mandatory customs check.  All weapons will be confiscated except those who wish to register their weapons and obtain a special permit to carry for non-Onderon citizens.  ALL Alien species, citizen or not, must obtain a permit to carry a weapon on the planet's surface.  

Any items confinscated by customs will be returned upon departure.  The custom's office is very thorough in detecting all illegal substances and weapons.  This also applies vice versa.  Permission must be obtained by officials to carry any flora, fauna, or any substance native to Onderon off the planet.  Customs will be thorough with checks and any items attempted for removal will be confinscated if proper permissions have not been obtained.

Onderon is a neutral planet at this time, meaning it does not belong to any galactic organizations such as the Republic.  Sith however, are not made welcome on the planet due to their dark natures usually bearing ill will toward citizens of any planet.


To read about Onderon in Canon, please visit:








- please note this is not meant to replace reading the full rules in D, just to act as a quick reminder.



1. What's the timeline in this sim? And the setting?


- 250 After the Battle of Yavin (ABY). Currently Onderon is ruled by the Queen Valara Drayen-Kira after overthrowing the former Jedi Order turned Sith who tried to occupy and destroy the planet. Do not play major characters from the movies (Darth Vader, Palpatine, Luke Skywalker, etc) or from the mythos beyond that (Darth Revan, Nomi Sunrider and so on).


2. What's the combat meter used here? Do I HAVE to wear it?



No, you do not have to wear a meter on Onderon.  Onderon is defender's choice, meaning ANY meter (if it is RCS, AoWCS, or RHCS that is) may be selected by the defender.  Some meters are forbidden on Onderon even if the defender chooses it.  These are but not limited to; the Gorean meters, DCS.  If the meter is not RCS, RHCS, or AoWCS, permission from an admin must be gained before using.


3. What about Freeform Combat (FFC)?

- FFC is allowed and is our PREFERRED method of combat.  It is strongly encouraged here on Onderon, as well as using the dice along with it.


4. I see a Jedi / Sith / Mandalorian / Trooper / etc !! Can I attack?

- Of course. But not just like that, Kill-on-Sight or randomly attacking people is not allowed as this is a role-playing sim.  This is not a First Person Shooter.   This means that all combat needs to be preceded by a reasonable amount of text based RP. A line or two of "Die Jedi!!" is not enough, but if there is prior animosity between characters, then the preceding RP can be *relatively* short. If however you initiate hostile actions towards people on the sim or the sim defenses themselves (e.g. blowing up a gate or building), you have already initiated RP conflict and the other side can fight back immediately. The *only* warning required before hostile action takes place is IC warning; there is no requirement to let someone know OOCly "((I'm about to hit you))" as this is not realistic.


5. I'm a furry avatar / child avatar / minor in RL. Am I allowed here?

- If you can make your 'furry' avatar reasonably close to a Canon Star Wars race (see the Wookieepedia), that's fine. You are however considered as part of that race rather than the RL equivalent (lion, fox, rabbit etc) and your avatar must not be cartoony. Child avatars are allowed here but take care that you act in a manner which is consistent (see full rules below) and there is to be *absolutely no sexual age-play*. What constitutes an acceptable avatar is at the discretion of the GMs. RL minors (under 17) are not allowed here as it is a Mature/Moderate rated sim.


6. I've been killed! What do I do?

- Unless you've consented to your character *dying*, there is no death, but defeat. A defeat in either meter or FFC means you cannot engage in any form of combat for 24 hours (or 12 hours if healed promptly, see rules below). You can however roleplay as an injured person but your ability to resist aggressive actions is limited.


7. Is my weapon legal?

- If it's a blaster as long as it does not use an automatic targetting system, does not do damage over time ('sticky' bullets), does not do more than standard damage per shot, is of the Star Wars genre and does not result in meter defeat in under 5 seconds, then yes. Automatic blaster firing is allowed. Most LCK-type lightsabers (and saberthrow) are fine, but the type that do more than standard damage (e.g. ones that fire invisible bullets or RPi-type sabers) are banned. Switching between melee and ranged is allowed, but using them both at the same time is not.  All weapons are legal in the event of FFC/SDH, so long as they are star wars weapons and obtained through reasonable means.


8.  I plan to raid this sim.


Great!  We are not a sim that will try and ban you because you wish to raid us, in fact, we welcome any opportunity for RP!  That being said, you must have an IC reason for raiding Onderon and a goal on what you wish to "take" from the raid (ie, a natural resource, kidnapping a member of the royal family or government and holding them for ransom, political hatred, etc).  Onderon has planetary defenses and these MUST be taken out before a raid can occur.  There are two shield generators that aid in protecting the planet.  One shield generator is on the Space Station Dauntless.  This shield generator is a satellite that aims at the planet no matter the orbit position of the station and covers the entire planet in an impenetrable shield grid.  The second shield generator is on the planet's surface in the city of Iziz and works in conjunction with the one on the station to cover the whole planet.  If only one of each of these generators is deactivated, the other will shift its power into ONLY protecting the city of Iziz.  Both these generators must be deactivated in order to raid Iziz, and can only be done so by a single or small group of agents.  Once both are deactivated and the shield is down, The Invasion Force will be ready to raid Onderon as they see fit with only Onderon's personal defenses left to defend it (ie military, palace guard, and various beasts)


9. I don't like these rules!

- Sorry to hear that. However, they are the rules of this private sim and they are not up for debate around the time of an RP. Do not argue with a GM (generally a bad idea) that the rules are in your view bad ones, you accepted them when you decided to RP here. If you would like to point out what you think is a problem with the rules, please respectfully contact the admins some time after an RP has finished and he or she will discuss this with you. If you don't like the rules, you are not forced to be here, so please find another sim to RP in.



- Please remember the read the full rules also







- Anyone listed below will be able to assist you if you have a problem


Sim Owners: -
- Alayni Axelrad

-Bam Piers


Lead Admin -
- Alayni Axelrad


Sim GMs (for RP issues): -
- Alayni Axelrad
- Bam Piers

- Renai Resident

-Anzable Resident

Sim Security (for griefing issues) -
- Nox Chamerberlin


Sim Builders (for Build Issues)

-Jashin Lionheart (Iziz Upper city exteriors, Palace and Palace Interiors)

-Alayni Axelrad (Iziz Undercity, Onderon Jungle, Onderon Space Station Dauntless, Iziz Upper city Interiors)

-Tyro Dreamscape (Scripting)


Onderon Media

-Alayni Axelrad (Music streaming, website admin/designer, wiki, tumblr, wordpress, and flickr manager)

GMs (analagous to Admins) specifically deal with RP matters and Security will deal with OOC griefing (though they may act as temporary GMs if a formal GM is not available). If any member of the Sim Staff team is witnessed to be abusing their powers then tell the Sim Owner or lead Admin immediately (with proof). Similarly, please report anyone claiming to be or attempting to act as a GM who is not on the above list. Please show respect to those designated as Sim Staff by the Sim Owner. They reserve the right to log open any chat or IM discussions for use as proof later; staying on this sim, you agree with this.








- enforced by the GMs


You are a guest on this privately-owned sim, so be sure to read these regulations concerning In-Character (IC) and Out-of-Character (OOC) behavior: -

1. IN CHARACTER / OUT OF CHARACTER: Discussions in open chat should be IC. Any OOC discussion MUST be in IMs unless a group of people is involved, and in that case it should be severely limited and contained in brackets such as ((OOC stuff)). Extensive OOC hang-out sessions should be in IMs and at a minimum in the hangar. Once beyond down to the surface, you should be completely IC. Similarly, you should not engage in (especially combat) RP with people who are OOC relaxing or shopping. If you wish to go OOC, either remove your health meter and wear the OOC tag or set your title to OOC to reflect your status.

2. OBSERVERS: Observers, or those new to the sim, should wear an OOC tag if at all possible (found in the space station), and should not make any In Character (i.e. roleplay) comments. All their speech should ideally be in IM but if in open chat be in parentheses or brackets (see Rule 1) and they should not disrupt any role-play that is going on. Be a fly on a wall, not the one in the ointment! Do not abuse the OOC Observer tag for spying ICly - this is effectively metagaming (see point 4 below).


3. ALTS/OTHER CHARACTERS:  Alts are of course allowed on onderon, as well as multi-character avatars.  However there are some rules regarding them that you are required to follow if you are going to play an alt or more than one character.  First off, with alts, you may not use alts to start drama with the sim or hurt anyone else.   With multiple characters on the same avatar, there are a few rules that apply.  First of all, since multiple characters can get confusing, you must stick with the character you entered the sim with.  You may not suddenly shift to a different character in the middle of RP zones and play that one.  One must return to the space station, change into the different character, then come back and enter the scene.  No metagaming between characters is allowed.  Meaning if you learned something ICly on one character, you may not get on another character and claim that one has that same information.
4. ATTIRE / EQUIPMENT: If roleplaying, your attire and equipment should be compatible with Star Wars. People wandering around in clearly non-Star Wars compatible clothing or avatars may be subject to ejection (but not banning) unless clearly OOC Observers (see above). This is not a harsh rule as there are many Star Wars avatars for sale or freely given out and you have no excuse to wear anything else here when here IC. Likewise, it does not make sense to use items from other RP genres ( Medieval / Gor / Star Trek etc )  here unless they fit in well with the Star Wars theme; in general, things from general sci-fi themes or fantasy type clothing accessorised with futuristic items is ok (if you are unsure, ask a GM).

You are welcome to use ships on Onderon but please do not use very primmy ships due to prim limitations (generally speaking a ship of about 30 prims is fine). However, if you are *ICly* arriving from outside Onderon, you may ONLY rez your ship in the entry hangar, and then use it to fly out. Do NOT just pull a ship out of your inventory once you're at the surface (the only exception is if you've followed the above rule but your ship has been autoreturned). However, if you are a member of one of the resident Onderon groups AND are already on Onderon you may rez your ship on any of the landing pads or on your private home's roof as you can reasonably be expected ICly to have your ship 'parked' here. The default combat method between ships here is CCC though other systems may be used with prior consent.

5. METAGAMING: Do not read a person's profile or read the floating tags and meter titles and base your RP on that (i.e. Metagaming). You cannot do this in RL and it's bad RP practice. If you've not been told someone's name you cannot address them by it (unless wanted posters are all over the place!), likewise you cannot look at someone's groups in their SL profile and decide they are Jedi / Sith etc and attack them for it. However, if someone is clearly Jedi, Sith, etc in appearance then you may 'assume' that they are, but assumptions can be wrong.  Jedi and Sith "senses" are limited to what the person in question wants you to sense about them.  If they have a titler above their head that says "no force aura" then you WILL NOT sense a Force affiliation about them, I do not care if you are the most powerful Sith or Jedi Master in the galaxy.  You cannot use information from their wiki or any other out of character reference source to sense anything about anyone.  If you ICly have suspicions someone may be a wanted criminal or a sith you must provide hard IC evidence to accuse them of such to the local authorities at which point a trial will be held.  "Sensing" in being used as a Force Power from either side can only be used if the person emotes it in their statement such as "/me broods with anger before responding with a reasonably calm tone".  You may then "sense" anger in that individual.  If you do not want anything "sensed" by someone else, do not include it in your emote.  On the same note, non force users will not be able to "sense" anything beyond reading facial expression and tone of voice.  "Force sensitive" beings will be able to "sense" far less than an outright Force user such as Jedi or Sith.  DO NOT deviate from your character in mid rp.  Meaning, do not state you are merely Force Sensitive in your profile or oocly then change it to "Force Mastermind" later on so that you can accomplish something you could not before.  In addition, it is common ooc knowledge the current Queen of Onderon is a Sith.  However, ICly, this is kept a well guarded secret.  If someone wishes to accuse her of being a Sith, they MUST provide a GM of Onderon with a notecard copy of a detailed role-play on the steps taken to figure out such.  This is to ensure the common ooc knowledge was not used or applied ICly.  


- The hangar where you arrive is IC apart from the arrival area (which is the octagon-shaped building across from the hanger, and the stores). Beyond this in the hangar is generally considered IC unless stated otherwise.  The surface however, as well as all other parts of Onderon, is mandatory IC.  The Space Station Dauntless is RP Optional, meaning you can be in character there, or choose not to be.


- At no point should a person-to-person teleport ever be used to bring someone into combat. Similarly, at no point should teleport out ever be used to save oneself once one is engaged in combat.  NO SITE TO SITE TELEPORTERS ALLOWED TO BE USED IF YOU ARE IN CHARACTER OR GOING TO AN IN CHARACTER SITUATION.  Walking is required.  It is not a canon action to merely teleport everywhere unless you can provide wookiepedia proof that your race can do such a thing.  You may not teleport to a location then suddenly go IC.  Offenders will be ejected and forced to walk back from the space station.


- The hangar arrival area is a safezone (this is the only 100% OOC area/safezone in the sim), there must absolutely not be any combat in this location. On the other hand, running into the safezone just to avoid being killed is not allowed and will be viewed dimly by the GMs.


- The only exception is making a one-way escape attempt from the planet; if you do this however, please do not return for the duration of the current RP since you are meant to have been escaping! You can only escape from Onderon by going to the Dauntless hangar (RP taking a shuttle or your own ship) and then making your way to the shuttle you arrived at, from where you can teleport out. Do not teleport out from anywhere else as this will be considered cheating.


-   When in COMBAT, it is defenders choice, meaning you can use AoWCS meter, AoWCS dice, or FFC. Other forms (DCS2, RCS, SWT, FCRS, ZCS, etc) are not supported at this time and should not be used without prior arrangement with the GMs. Always use the most up-to-date version of your meter which can be found at the vendor at the beginning of the sim.


- We are a role-playing sim and combat should enhance RP, not replace it and Kill on Sight (KoS) is not to be used and you must not randomly attack people. There MUST be some text role-play before combat as this is not a PvP / FPS / shoot 'em up combat sim but a role-play sim. If there is prior IC animosity between characters, then this preceding RP does not need to be lengthy but attacks should not be 'stealth', an IC warning that they are about to be attacked should be given (and a single line two seconds before you attack is not enough, you should wait for an IC response). However, if you initiate a hostile action against another person or against property in the sim (unless you are clearly marked OOC and practicing), do not expect a text response before hostilities are returned. Please note that OOC warnings are *not* required prior to an actual attack. As long as the preceding RP has been sufficiently detailed, your character should realize if he/she is in danger from the IC context of escalating hostility so be ready.


- Do not set your meter to black or a very dark color. This is considered cheating as it is extremely difficult to see.


- Do not Reset or Heal your meter in the middle of combat (you will still require the minimum healing period even if you do).



- Bullet / laser deflection: You can ONLY bullet / laser deflect if you are a Force User (Jedi / Sith, etc), would ICly be able to hold a lightsaber AND concentrate enough to do so (it takes talent / skill, concentration and the right equipment). Therefore, ONLY those who are Force Users who are actively using lightsabers should use the classes that allow deflection.



- Exploits.  There will be exploits to every meter, some obvious, some not so obvious.  Some on other sims are legal and some are not.  Here we do not tolerate ANY exploits.  Examples being certain kill-all devices that can be used in RCS, or the "Ground-slam" technique done in RHCS.  Choke/Grab/slam when done as a force power in RHCS must have the natural delay and is not acceptable if done every 1-3 seconds.  Fair use of your meter is always expected on Onderon.  Force powers outside the meter that do damage are not allowed.  Force powers that do not do damage but are used for visual effect during an FFC/SDH are fine as long as they do not cause extreme lag that compromises sim performance.






- No damaging weaponry or damaging Force Power can employ a menu, text command, or target assist / tracking based targeting system (e.g. "Kill > Select Target > Alayni Axelrad" or "/1 lightning Alayni Axelrad") during meter combat. This includes the use of "auto-leading" guns like the  XLB88 Flash Rifle version 1.2 (later versions of this are fine as this feature was removed).



- Jet packs or any other method of flight cannot be employed in a combat situation for more then 3 second bursts at a time and you must wait at least 10 seconds before the next burst. An avatar flying without a plausible and Canonical SWRP reason for it may be ejected. Please note, even outside of combat, be sensible; flying from the surface into space using a jetpack or open-top vehicle not a closed-canopy ship is silly and not allowed. On Onderon, space is defined as anything over the pinkish atmosphere (the shield).


- Blasters may use automatic firing; however if it can reduce a 100% meter to zero in 5 seconds or less, it is overpowered (and thus not fair for RP) and will not be allowed here. The clip on blasters must not exceed 300 shots and should have a reload of longer than one second (fairly standard).


- More than one weapon cannot be used at one time (this does not apply to duel sabers or any other weapon that has no actual effect from being for show). This includes for instance, hitting with a lightsaber, use of a lightsaber and a blaster at the same time (both may be attached but not active) and the use of a force power like Force Lightning or using twin blasters both of which are active weapons.


- Weapons should not push in any way shape or form, save for minor degrees of push from a weapon designated as a Force power by a GM.


- Traps / Cages / Stuns (anything that holds your character or restricts movement): This pertains to any weapon or guns, that would do this effect. Within meter combat it is not allowed. In a role-play situation where you get consent (e.g. FFC), it is legal to use.


- A player can use cloaking / invisibility but they MUST decloak before attacking and stay uncloaked for the duration of the fight.


- The use of avatar-carried "enhanced" weapons to deliver augmented damage is not permitted. These include, but are not limited to, those that were taken from ships' ccc combat scripts and unless you are flying a ship, you cannot carry the large power source needed to power these weapons (think about it, it doesn't make sense) or melee weapons which also rez a prim to create a bullet attack as well as the usual keystroke attack, those which have an auto-targeted dash and 'special attacks' (e.g. the RPi system). 'Sticky' weapons (e.g. certain types of flamethrower and magical fireball attacks) are not allowed as they continue to do significant damage over time instead of single hit damage.


- The use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (sim nukes, large effect area bombs, etc) is not allowed and may be considered griefing. The use of small mines which can damage a meter in a limited manner (similar to a standard blaster) may be allowable; please check with the GMs first if you are unsure.

9. DEFEAT: When your combat meter reaches 0% health, or your wounds equal your maximum health in dice RP, you have been defeated.  You must stay and wait for the proper consequences.  It is entirely up to you whether or not your character accepts permadeath or mutilation, however, escapes must be rolled for.  If you roll for an escape and are defeated, you can be captured if the other party wishes.


 - Timeout: Defeat means you can no longer participate in combat (including FFC) for the next 24 hours as you are injured / incapacitated. We suggest immediately saving a chatlog of your defeat to make it very clear (Ctrl H then copy paste with timestamps) and changing your title to include "wounded" or "injured". A defeated character can still RP as a non-combatant (but please role-play realistically; your character is in severe pain and should act accordingly). The timeout applies at least across all affiliated sims to Onderon.


- Permadeath: Defeat does NOT mean someone is dead; nor is permakilling (RPing cutting off someone's head, stabbing them through the heart, shooting them in the head or any other action which definitely causes death) allowed WITHOUT the OOC consent of the person being killed. A deathblow is to be used only to be used by mutual consent when someone wants to permanently "retire" a character and move on.


- Medical care: If someone receives proper medical care within 5 minutes of being struck down, their 24 hour period is reduced to 12 hours. Note that healing of someone defeated must take place AFTER (not during) combat has taken place. No amount of healing will restore a defeated person's health instantly i.e. a defeated person always has to sit out for some period (at least 12 hours), as defined above even if the meter says 100%.


Capture: A defeated player can be captured in free text and if so must go along with the captor's wishes, within reason (see general sim rules also). RP capture is a potential consequence of defeat.  If a player is defeated, they are in no position to resist anything being done to them.  While we require mutual consent for permadeath and multilation, we do not require mutual consent for capture in the event of defeat.  The captured person may attempt escape within 12 hours of being captured.


- Teleporting out / logging off: Once defeated, please do not teleport out or log off without OOCly asking if the victors mind you doing so. Defeat is not the end of RP, people should continue playing the consequences of their victory or defeat. The flip side to this is that if you *genuinely* need to go (need to return to RL or are desperately needed elsewhere in SL) then no-one should attempt to stop you logging off or teleporting away. Just do it as a last resort and let people know. If you crash during a combat, you are considered to have been defeated / forced to flee in the context of the current battle (you don't incur the long time-out though, just avoid returning to the same engagement).


- Lag: Do not try to invalidate a defeat citing lag as the factor. Lag is unfortunate and it can affect people and cause them to lose. It is however,  extremely disruptive if people continually claim that lag has affected them. In SWRP, as well as in  RL, bad things can happen unexpectedly to anyone; if you are defeated mainly due to lag, you are considered to have slipped at a critical moment and taken a severe injury. Please do however try to minimize lag as best as you can by removing unnecessary scripted attachments since this will improve the experience for all. Laggy items include but are not limited to: items with resize scripts in them, radars, AOs.  If you are just too laggy for metered combat and feel it will make you lose no matter what, then a GM may be contacted with an explanation.  If approved, the GM would then force an FFC with SDH (Star Wars Dice HUD) to be used, with the defender getting a bonus level added to their dice.


- AoWCS Force Powers and others by Bothan Wares, Gistya's Evil Base and Supply Company and Furious Avatars are allowed but you cannot use Force Lightning and another weapon to hit with at the exact same time.


- The ONLY movement enhancers that are allowed are the standard Force Jump and the direct-able Force Dash in the AoWCS Force Power HUD. Anyone who jumps with anything other than this will be ejected or even banned.


- The use of multi-tool / non-SWRP SL combat weaponry (including but not limited to Force Prophecies, IS, Omicron, psiTEC, etc) in METERED combat is prohibited here as they were not designed for metered combat. You may wear them, and you can use particle effects to augment your RP but any use of metered combat function, movement enhancements or any other ability which can assist in metered combat in any way is NOT allowed.

11. FREEFORM COMBAT (FFC): This is Onderon's default method of combat.  We are a role-play sim, so naturally we prefer role-played battles.  It is defender's choice of course, and if the defender wishes a meter then the defender may have meter.


-Onderon admins reserve the right to mandate SDH (Star Wars Dice HUD) if the FFC is being abused. (ex. godmodding).  Onderon admins are ultimately in charge of what your levels will be for using the dice, though you may of course have input on what you think.


- Hurling insults at someone ICly and then having the person get mad and attack does NOT make you the "defender".  Hurling IC insults makes YOU the attacker and the person you tossed the insults to gets the choice of what meter or FFC method to use.  This is to prevent bullying and goading into battle just so you get your combat method of choice.  Also, any instigating in attacks makes you the automatic attacker.  For example, if Onderon troopers wish to detain you under suspect of you breaking the law, and you wish to resist arrest, you are considered the attacker.  Any violation of Onderon's IC laws is an attack on our justice system, and if you resist being brought to justice, you are attacking further.  All citizens who come quietly will not be harmed and will await a trial.  You may attempt escape while there are no guards present 12 hours after detainment, but again, if caught, you are the attacker.  On the other hand, if a citizen tries to kidnap you and you wish to resist being kidnapped, you are the defender, since they are breaking a law.


- Prior to beginning an FFC fight, establish a 'Posting Order'.  This is a schedule of who posts and when (player A > player B > player C > player A....etc). Once a Posting Order has been established make sure you keep to it, and only post when it is your turn. Be patient - FFC takes longer than standard one-liner RP. If RL intervenes, OOCly state this so that you can be waited for or skipped over.


- No more than 6 people can take part in an FFC fight.  If the group is larger than 6, YOU MUST have a GM present.  We recommend, however, that you go to meter in those situations.


- If you wish to engage in an FFC fight that has already begun, contact all participants via Instant Message and get their consent to join in.  You must have all combatants' consent BEFORE you make any kind of post that involves you in the fight.








- Do not Godmode/Powergame i.e. force consequences on your opponent. An example would be "Darth Idiot swings his saber and slices off the Jedi's hand at the wrist" - this gives no chance to the opponent (NB: in the example situation, this is even if the opponent is already defeated, please OOCly check whether the player wants their character to be mutilated and respect their decision). In FFC combat, actions on others are attempts, the reaction is done by the other player. An example: "Darth Polite swings his saber and attempts to slice off the Jedi's hand at the wrist" or "Darth Polite stretches out his hand and fires a blaze of Force Lightning towards the Jedi". This allows the Jedi either to submit to it or to dodge / block etc.


- Do not make your character invincible or near-invincible e.g. immune to Force Powers AND able to dodge all ranged attacks AND be the best saber duellist (this is called Godmoding/Powergaming, is bad RP practice and hence banned). FFC is not about winning, it's about the story.


- One move and one attack/block action per post in FFC combat (you can amend this if all parties in the FFC fight agree to make it more.  But EVERYONE must agree).


- If you are engaged in FFC combat and wish to escape, you must make your escape post clear, and allow your opponent time to respond.  If they respond with an attack, you cannot simply ignore it, and must treat it as a regular FFC attack. However because your moving away from the fight your avoidance is higher.


- Stay true to your character. If you are a Padawan, and go up against a Sith Lord or a Mandalorian with experience....chances are you will lose the fight. Win/ is all in good fun. One ends up role-playing a medical scene, the other may have to deal with more then they started with, after friends find out who lost.


- Regarding FFC defeat, please note if your character is defeated in FFC, the timeout periods described in the meter combat section still apply.


- DICE:  Onderon only allows certain dice HUDS on the sim.  Why?  Because it has been brought to our attention that some dice are being controlled by individuals granting themselves ranks in which they did not deserve.  Also some dice do not allow for bonuses to certain skillsets which should be allowed when rolling.  The following are approved for dice use on Onderon:  SDH, AoWCS. 

  The dice HUD known as "SWT is absolutely not allowed on Onderon.  It must be removed before proceeding to an IC area.  


-AoWCS Dice.  AoWCS dice is the most commonly used dice on Onderon.  We have certain standards that must be adhered to pertaining to handicaps and health on our sim.  They are as follows:





Apprentices/ Acolytes/ Privates/ Corporals: +0


Knights/ Sith Lords/ Officers / NCOs: +2


Masters/ Darths/ COs: +4


 Leaders of Sith/Jedi/Mando/Trooper groups: +6



 FACTION leaders (Mandalore, Sith Emperor, One elected Jedi Grandmaster(this does not count group leaders who call themselves a grandmaster), GAR Commander)- +7





 Jedi/sith Initiates/Padawans/disciples - 3


 Sith/Jedi/Mando/Trooper ranks up to leader - 4



 Mando/Sith/Jedi/Trooper Leaders - 5



 Faction Leaders - 6

12. CHILD AVATARS (IC): In general, IC child avatars are allowed but should act in a way that is consistent with their age.

Padawans start off young so they will be under the care and training of the Jedi and may use training sticks or whatever the Jedi feel is consistant with their training.  Non force-senstive children should act like children and not carry weapons.  Mandalorians become warriors at a young age, and therefore it is acceptable for them to wield weapons when they do.  Child avatars are NOT allowed to have sexual intercourse before they age their avatar to 18.  Doing so will result in banning and a report filed to Linden Labs as is required in the Second Life TOS.

13. CHARACTER RACES: The Canon races of SWRP are well described in the Wookieepedia and other sources. It is easiest to play human or near-human races. There are however alien races, avatars for which can be bought at quality merchants around SL (Twi'leks, Nautolans, Trandoshans, Bothan, Wookies, Mon Calamari, Kaminoans, Ithorians, Jawas, etc) as well as many SW droids - these are fine. Furries should be careful that their avatar is as close to a Canon alien race as possible (avoid cartoony avatars please); make some modifications to the default avatar if you can and please act in a manner which is compatible to the race. "Furry" activities are not allowed here; remember you are being IC - so you are not a lion, racoon etc, but rather a Cathar, Bothan, etc. This is not getting at furries, it's merely being IC consistent. We know of a few excellent RPers who are 'furry' - do not spoil SWRP for them by giving furries a bad name.


However, being as how there are SO many races in Star Wars, a non-canon race may be created with PERMISSION from the sim owner.  Please understand that this will be an EXTREMELY rare circumstance.  The race must have an entire history created, and logically fit into the star wars universe.  You must also have an avatar for it that fits and looks exceptional for it to even be considered.














- enforced by all Admin


These rules apply to all people in the sim, whether OOC or IC.


1. No griefing: Anyone caught upsetting the RP or OOC discussions of others with weapons fire, orbiters, pushers, spammers etc will be dealt with severely (including being banned). If you don't get on with someone OOC, don't make it an excuse to attack them IC constantly out of keeping with the RP (this will be considered griefing), just avoid them. Likewise don't make it a point to victimize someone out of proportion to the RP based on their IC role. Do not hurl OOC abuse; if you continue to do this after being warned once by sim staff, you will be banned. To prevent littering, the land has an auto-return. Despite this, massive or disruptive littering can cause a problem and will be considered as griefing as is trying to crash the sim with scripts.


2. No spamming: This also includes objects that spam. Any such objects will be removed by one of the management staff. If you are using a script that's slightly spammy in one of your builds then please ask a member of staff to review it; we may allow it if it's reasonable. Spamming also includes the use of text gestures (especially multi-line text gestures) and loud OOC sounds being played.


3. No soliciting: Sell your objects in malls, not here in the sim. This obviously does not apply to our own vendor area, solicit as much as you want in there *as long as* you're paying the vendor rental fees. Similarly, do not beg for Lindens or equipment...if you are found to do this repeated you may be ejected or even banned. If you solicit for members on the sim, especially from amongst our applicants or members, you are likely to face IC and/or OOC consequences as appropriate.  Selling things ICly for credits is lindens.


4.  Adult content - This sim, as we are sure you noticed, is a mature sim.  The primary focus of this sim is NOT pornographic nor do we wish to make it anywhere even close to such.  It just means there are adult themed situations here that can occur ICly.  However should an adult situation occur (such as sex or nudity) in a "public" setting (such as outside the palace, home, or cantina) expect action to be taken ICly (ie, arrest for public indecency).  All personal limits must be respected with regards to sexual harassment, rape, etc that occurs in an in-character environment.  NO sexist, racist, or general intolerance of one's personal beliefs will be tolerated OOCly on this sim, whether that be in IM or in public ooc brackets.  (ie racial slurs, anti-gay/lesbian name calling, sexist comments, bullying, etc).  You are on an adult sim and therefore expected to act like a mature adult.


5.  SEXUAL AGEPLAY: (defined as any sexual activity with an avatar that is or appears to be under the age of 18) WILL RESULT IN YOU BEING REPORTED TO LINDEN LABS FOR IMMEDIATE ACCOUNT TERMINATION. OOC age shouldn't be a problem as you should be 18+ if you're playing on SL in Mature / Moderate-rated sims (but if you -are- under 17 year old in Real Life, please leave Onderon; if you're under 16 you should not be on most of SL apart from certified Educational sims)  Age-play will also result in an automatic estate-ban.


6. Privacy: Do not enter areas which you cannot enter by usual means (e.g. doors/teleporters). These illegal entry methods include, but are not limited to, sit-hacking (sitting on a prim and using it to enter), using non-physical mode, teledash and personal teleporters/portals. Do not cam (move your camera) into these areas either as they are fenced off for a reason and do not take pictures of what is happening inside. Especially do not do any of these things in private residences and infringements of privacy here will be taken extremely seriously (and can be in violation of not only sim rules but SL's Terms of Service/Community Standards). By continuing to RP on this sim, you also grant the sim staff permission to log and share chatlogs and IMs regarding you and to monitor RP activity and compliance to RP/sim/SL rules.   Stay out of private areas such as bedrooms, hotel rooms, and private offices completely if you are an ooc observer.  If IC, you must RP breaking into them and perform a roll check against the current occupant if there is one.


7. Bad Drama:  Everyone seems to have rules against drama, yet they never seem to be very enforced now do they?  On Onderon, anti-drama is VERY STRICTLY ENFORCED.  But what is drama?  Life is full of  drama.  There is really no way around it.  That is why our rule is entitled "Bad Drama" rather than simply drama.  Afterall we are a role play sim, we are one big drama!  Bad drama, includes the following:


-Taking IC actions personally in an OOC manner


-Speaking ill of someone OOCly.  People and/or groups.  This is including but not limited to; spreading rumors about people, insulting them behind their backs, negative comments in general.  We do not tolerate negative comments about others on Onderon.  Do not go spreading rumors about who slept with who and when and if they are partnered to so and so.  Call it censorship all you like.  My sim. My rules.  You may speak among yourself about an unfortunate event if they occur between two people, but there is a difference between saying "So and so was banned for doing blank" and "So and so is a raging cuntbag and they are the bane of this community and suck balls!".  Learn the difference.  Be the difference.  Don't be a gossipgirl.


-Arguing with the Onderon Staff.  If you feel you were wrongfully banned or ejected, or do not agree with a decision we have made, do not argue.  Instead, walk away from the situation, and revisit it later.  You may debate to a DEGREE, our decision, after 24 hours of it occuring.  However if the debate turns into arguing, or us repeating our answer over and over, then you will have to accept the decision.  Futher persuit of arguing may change your ban from 24 hours to permanent, or get you blocked by our staff.


-Not reading the rules and then getting mad at Onderon Staff when you are made to follow them.  Yes, this actually happens.  If we tell you to put on an ooc tag while walking around Onderon, then you will put on an ooc tag.  Sometimes people do things that break the rules, not out of malice, but because they wish to look around.  Such as sit hacking and flying.  Looking around is fine, but if an admin tells you to wear an ooc tag and you get huffy about it, you're just causing drama.  OOC tag being used as an example, do not go and not read the rules and then start a fuss when you are told you are breaking them.  Such things will not be tolerated.


-Arguing with other groups.  Rather than argue, if you feel you are at an impass in a disagreement with another group, call in Onderon Staff to mediate your problem. 


-Unwillingness to compromise.  Compromise is what makes the world go round folks.  We are all different people, different brains, different intellect levels, different emotions, etc.  We are going to have different ideas on how we want to do things.  We must compromise with each other in order to make role play work to where everyone gets a bit of what they want.  If you are unwilling to compromise and help others in their role play, go write a book, where you can control every aspect of everyone's story and not have to compromise anything.  Don't the non-compromising attitude to my sim.


8.  If you are exploring or observing you MUST wear an observer tag and do not disturb roleplayers.


9. The use of obnoxious emotes, loud / offensive sound effects from an attachment/HUD/Gesture, begging for money, offensive behavior, and any advertising or campaigning or recruiting for your product/sim will result in a warning and/or banning.


10.  Do not rezz prims and leave them around sim. You may only rezz prims if you are a renter, or rezzing props for a roleplay or photography scene, in which case they need to be removed immediately after. Do not rezz more than 10-20 prims for props, if you need to rezz a large structure, get clearance from an admin prior. Repeated litterers will be warned and/or banned.



11.  Onderon is an english speaking sim.  We do not permit translators.  If your character speaks a Star Wars canon language then please use to translate and interpret.  Do not translate any languages your character does not ICly know.


12.  Onderon has no private space rentals at this time.  We do have hotel rooms which are free to use for your characters for a few nights.



13.  Real Life (RL) comes first. If someone needs to exit a scene for whatever reason, please respect Real Life needs of others.  However if this is repeatedly done each time someone is defeated, then way may have to set terms of the defeat before the RP begins.


14. Be courteous to your fellow players and staff members. Check your attitudes and shoulder-chips at the door.  Rude, hostile behavior can result in warning and/or banning.


15. If you find another player in violation of the rules, please report it to any admin.  Conversely, “retaliation” against another player for reporting you is a ban-able offense.  If you have violated the rules, own up to it and leave the reporting party out of it.


16. Admin-shopping is poor form. Do not go around seeking different / better answers from other admins.  We are all in communication and we know when you're shopping.


17. Sex: While this is an Adult sim with mature language/behavior/visuals, it must be noted that Onderon is not a sex-focused sim, the primary reason for your stay should not be seeking a sex/fetish partner, nor should that be the end goal of your characters’ story. If you have an objection to mature language/behavior/visuals - do not enter. “Mature/Adult” roleplay is permitted in local chat when the rp leads it there, but please be mindful that sex in public places can lead to arrests in violation of IC Onderon law.











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